U of U Gardner OSH Building
The historical Orson Spencer Hall opened in 1955 and housed the largest college at the University of Utah: the College of Social and Behavioral Science. The high profile two-story building was the largest classroom building on campus at one time but needed to be redeveloped to fit the needs of 21st century learning and modern codes in the case of a seismic event. The new five-story building boasts the University of Utah Welcome Center, the Collaborative Social Science Advising Center, 33 classrooms, two auditoriums, a cutting-edge joint laboratory facilities, offices and study spaces.
Job Information:
- Architect: MHTN Architects
- General Contractor: Okland Construction
- Product: Forte Plank
- Location: Salt Lake City, UT
- Square footage: 200,000 SF
- Contract Type: Education Building
- Owner: University of Utah